Live Pictures of 2024

Pictures by, Thomas Fuhrmann, Eni Photos, Virginia Weidhaas,, Jacques Louwes

Live Pictures of 2023

Pictures by FH-Eventfotographie, Kyle Finlan, Albert Jolan, Marco Grau, Frank Helbig

Live Pictures of 2022

Pictures by Michael Mai, Matthias Mayer, Andreas Noack, Martin Vill

Live Pictures of 2021

Pictures by Schwarze Gräfin, Gedeon Photos, Julia Mastaliers

Live Pictures of 2020

Pictures by Oliver Haremsa

Wacken Open Air 2019

Pictures by Frank Helbig, Jörg Schnebele, Adrian Mönnich

Live Pictures of 2018

Pictures by Michael Buch, Michael Hellwig, Schwarze Gräfin, Marko Jakob

Live Pictures of 2017

Hamburg: Ginny Fleischmann, Geritt Schumann BGF Photography Kontraste
Leipzig: Frank Helbig 7tes Laboratorium

Live Pictures of 2016

Shot and edited by Frank HelbigJanina LindnerAngel-Marlene GilmoreMartin Vill und Stefan Otto

Live Pictures of 2015

Nuremberg: Dany Adelfinger