We are happy to announce that we finished the recordings of the Metal section! After recording the drums at Sandlane Recording Facilities with Joost van den Broek, our guitarists contributed their parts and Joost refined them with a great sound. They really rock, we can’t wait to show it to you!
Next stop: Orchestras. During lockdown time, Janika is programming the orchestras with Julian’s assistance (while she is our musical visioneer, he is our sample library master mind). As soon as we can return to studio, strings and vocal recordings will follow.

Frank, Andrea, Janika, Joost and Julian at Sandlane Recording Facilities

While writing the compositions for Mother Universe, Janika wrote many small excerpts for different instruments in order to experiment with their sounds and to explore the style of the new album. With one of these excerpts, she won a competition for composers hosted by MDR Kultur. As a result, it will be recorded by the MDR ensemble.
Here’s the press announcement (German): https://www.mdr.de/presse/klangkoerper/presseinformation-mdr-klassik-mikrokompositionen-radio-100.html
It will be broadcasted in spring. We are looking forward to show you this slightly unusual pre-single of our album!

Our festival is over, but the memories will last. It was a relief for many of us to be able to host a complete festival in these difficult times, although we had to shorten the line up last minute due to new Corona travel restrictions. Here are some impressions:
Frank Helbig Photography: https://www.facebook.com/FrankHelbigPhotography/posts/3098356220274586
Moni Schwarze (photos): https://www.facebook.com/schwarze.graefin/posts/1871326596340807
Hermann Busse (photos): https://www.instagram.com/p/CFFGmlpnP14/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
Dark Art (Review with photos): https://www.dark-art.de/winds-woods-meet-metal-festival-11-09-12-09-2020/
Musik an sich (Review): www.musikansich.de/artikel.php?id=2295

Photo: Frank Helbig

The new date of our festival is September 11th & 12th. As the Fimbul Festival announced to take place at our originally planned date, we want to avoid to force the spectators to which event they should go. Although it is not easy at all to plan a festival in these days, we do our best to provide you a great event! More news very soon!

We want to thank every single person who helped us with a donation or funding to get our studio bills paid for our upcoming album “Mother Universe”!
As a special thank you, enjoy here an acoustic splitscreen version of our new song Venus as a preview:

In case you want to support us further during the production process, you can just donate via paypal: https://www.paypal.me/molllust

We prepared everything to finally enter the studio and to record ‘Mother Universe’. But there is one thing missing… your support!
We created a crowdfunding campaign where you can find much more information about our upcoming album. You can preorder the CD or choose between many other rewards we created for you. See you at
https://www.startnext.com/molllust-mother-universe !