Our festival is over, but the memories will last. It was a relief for many of us to be able to host a complete festival in these difficult times, although we had to shorten the line up last minute due to new Corona travel restrictions. Here are some impressions:
Frank Helbig Photography: https://www.facebook.com/FrankHelbigPhotography/posts/3098356220274586
Moni Schwarze (photos): https://www.facebook.com/schwarze.graefin/posts/1871326596340807
Hermann Busse (photos): https://www.instagram.com/p/CFFGmlpnP14/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet
Dark Art (Review with photos): https://www.dark-art.de/winds-woods-meet-metal-festival-11-09-12-09-2020/
Musik an sich (Review): www.musikansich.de/artikel.php?id=2295