We are happy to anounce that we started to collaborate with LCC Productions to bring our booking activities to the next level. There is always a looot of work to do behind the scenes besides the music and so we are always thankful to get some of this weight from our shoulders to be able to focus on the music even more. We are already curious to which stages this collaboration will guide us!

We are currently busy with some festival shows, like Helheim Open Air, Progfestival Berlin, Killerzfest Oberhausen, the Inglorious Monsters Night in Coburg amonst them, but we are also very busy preparing the next installment of our Winds and Woods meet Metal festival, taking place at 24./25. of November 2023 at ANKER Leipzig. We are really excited to present you Mayan, which we supported back in April, Diabvlvs in Mvsica, Dark Sarah and many more cool bands to celebrate good music in the dark days of coming winter.

Pic by Marco Grau

The coming weeks will be a bit more quiet from our side, as Janika, Julian and Frank are on tour with HAGGARD in Latinamerica! So for them, this 6 weeks will be rather busy, but surely also full of exciting and unforgettable memories. To all our fans from Latinamerica, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the three of them, when they are around!

Tomorrow we are starting our official release tour for our new album “Mother Universe” in Wolfenbüttel. At the end of April we’ll play 3 shows in the Netherlands as support for the amazing Mayan, play on the Aethercircus Steampunkfestival and appear multiple times at our hometown festival WGT. We are looking forward meeting and play for you all!

Pic by Kyle Finlan

With great pride we can present you today our community video for Earth. Not pride on us, but on you, on the numerous contributions of so many great people from all parts of our earth. Thank you so much for carrying the spark of hope in these dark times. We are all children of the earth, we are all brothers and sisters!

We are planning to create a video for the song Earth – Beauty of Diversity and want your contributions for it! Just hold a sign with “I am a child of the earth” written in your mothertongue with you infront on some sights – art, nature, culture, whatever you feel fitting – make a short 3 – 6 sec. clip of it and send it to us. Or make a video of you singing along to the chorus! More infos here!

Today is finally the day when our new album Mother Universe sees the light of day! It has been a long and arduous journey, but every single metre has been worth it. The first notes were already written in 2017, Venus was the first song written. With each song that was added, it became clearer how diverse the album would become in terms of mood and orchestration. From a straightforward rock number like Saturn to massive orchestral movements and choirs like Mars. And so we were overjoyed to get Mr. Joost van den Broek, who produces genre greats like Epica, Blind Guardian or Powerwolf, on board. After an intensive pre-production, we were supposed to go into the studio – but the measures to fight the pandemic also affected our production in the Netherlands, not to mention the additional logistical challenges. But in August 2023, the final touches were finally put on the master and today we can proudly present our work to the world

The release of the album “Mother Universe” is drawing closer and to help bridge the time until 25.11.2022, we have another advance taste for you! Unfortunately without a video, but no less cool, we present you the brightest star on the firmament: Sun – Journey of Icarus.

We are very proud to present today our 3rd Single – together with a Story video, again created by the one and only Rainer Zipp Fränzen. It’s a very special one: Not only has it no bandplay inside, it is also based on the story of the Great-grandparents of Janika. So this is a very personal video for you to enjoy!