We prepared everything to finally enter the studio and to record ‘Mother Universe’. But there is one thing missing… your support!
We created a crowdfunding campaign where you can find much more information about our upcoming album. You can preorder the CD or choose between many other rewards we created for you. See you at
https://www.startnext.com/molllust-mother-universe !

It’s time to reveal some details about our upcoming release. Join us on our journey through our solar system! The album will be named ‘Mother Universe’ and the songs will be dedicated to the planets and the Gods these were named after.

Below you can find the cover artwork! The built-in photography comes from Frank Helbig – Photography, the artwork from Ungestalt. Kollektiv für Kommunikationsdesign. It’s time to record the music now! We’ll tell you what keeps us from recording immediately tomorrow.

Some of you might have seen Andrea Zannin drumming with us in November/December. We all really enjoyed the time together! That’s why we decided to ask him to join us permanently. And he agreed! So give him a warm welcome! For everyone who doesn’t know him yet he recorded a little video for you at his home in Italy. We are all looking forward to many great hours full of music together!

We are really proud of our small Festival. Our idea was to bring together different, but related styles of music from bands with a professional attitude living in different parts of Europe. And besides our own performance, we really enjoyed the concerts of Silent Stream of Godless Elegy, Tezaura, Moran Magal, Conspiria and Exaudi! We want to thank everyone who helped us behind the scenes to make this event possible and of course all the musicians that created this special atmosphere with their music!

photos by Steffen Hopf

We love guitars, but also violins, cellos and flutes!
On our tours we have met many cool bands, nice people and talented musicians. But the opportunity to play together is much too rare when you are spread over half the continent. In addition, we would like to share these bands with our Leipzig homebase. And that’s why we founded this indoor festival, which is dedicated to the combination of classical/traditional instruments and rock music in the field of symphonic metal, folk metal, gothic metal and related styles.

The first edition will take place on 30.11.2019 in Halle 5 / Werk 2. You can buy tickets for it in our shop. We are looking forward to your visit!

Wir lieben Gitarren, doch genauso auch Violinen, Celli und Flöten!
Auf unseren Touren haben wir viele coole Bands, nette Leute und begabte Musiker getroffen. Doch die Gelegenheit, zusammen zu spielen ist viel zu selten, wenn man über den halben Kontinent verteilt ist. Dazu kommt, dass wir unsere Homebase in Leipzig gern an diesen Bands teilhaben lassen würden. Und daher haben wir dieses Indoor-Festival aus der Taufe gehoben, welches unter dem Zeichen der Kombination von klassischen/traditionellen Instrumenten und Rockmusik im Bereich Symphonic Metal, Folk Metal, Gothic Metal und Artverwandtem.

Die erste Ausgabe wird am 30.11.2019 in der Halle 5 / Werk 2 stattfinden. Karten dafür könnt ihr in unserem Shop erwerben. Wir freuen uns auf euren Besuch!

After we had the pleasure to support Visions of Atlantis in Siegburg on 31.08.2019, we could finally play in our hometown Leipzig again on 07.09.2019. And then for no less an occasion than the sold-out record release show of our friends from Disillusion, with whom we have an immense connection. Mastermind Andy Schmidt has recorded and produced all our albums released so far, we share the rehearsal room with them and Frank is helping them out on the bass guitar this year. And yes, that meant 3 hours on stage for the old man, which he handled with ease. It was an unforgettable experience and a wonderful evening for everyone!

Nachdem wir am 31.08.2019 die Freude hatten, Visions of Atlantis in Siegburg zu supporten, konnten wir am 07.09.2019 endlich wieder in unserer Heimatstadt Leipzig spielen. Und dann zu keinem geringerem Anlass als der ausverkauften Record-Release-Show unserer Freunde von Disillusion, mit denen uns unheimlich viel verbindet. Mastermind Andy Schmidt hat all unsere bisher erschienen Alben aufgenommen und produziert, wir teilen uns den Proberaum mit ihnen und Frank hilft ihnen in diesem Jahr am Bass aus. Und ja, das bedeutete 3 Stunden Bühne für den alten Mann, was er aber mit Leichtigkeit meisterte. Es war für alle ein unvergessliches Erlebnis und ein gelungener Abend!

It was a big pleasure and a huge honor to play our first show at Wacken Open Air. For us a childhood dream came true. Thank you Wacken for this intense 3 days and this amazing audience. See you all soon!

(Pics by Adrian Mönnich alias MetalSpy, Frank Helbig, Jörg Schnebele)

We have incredibly good news! For years, we dreamed of that moment, now it is finally there – we can announce that we will play at this year’s Wacken Open Air.
We are absolutely stoked to perform there and can’t wait for August! 

What a great time with Imperial Age! We played a whole 10 concerts together with them on all kinds of stages in Germany, Austria, Czech Republic and Poland. We take a lot of thrilling memories of this exciting time with us. Be it Frank’s bleeding but mild head wound in Berlin, which was treated by Jane without hesitation, an exuberant Imperial Age show party with the girls and boys from Sechem in Hamburg, a merciless wheel clamp in Wrotslav, a family breakfast at Janika’s parents with Sabri or a sightseeing tour of Vienna the day after the show. We could go on for pages here, but we would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone involved in making this tour possible, especially Sabri from Asgaardian Events and Imperial Age who invited us, Frank Renner who provided our sound, the crews of the venues we played in and many many many more …

Was für eine großartige Zeit mit Imperial Age! Ganze 10 Konzerte spielten wir zusammen mit ihnen auf allen möglichen Bühnen in Deutschland, Österreich, Tschechien und Polen. Wir nehmen viele aufregende Erinnerungen mit uns an diese tolle Zeit. Sei es nun Franks blutende aber glimpflich verlaufende Kopfwunde in Berlin, die ohne zu zögern von Jane behandelt wurde, eine ausgelassene Imperial Age show party mit den Mädels und Jungs von Sechem in Hamburg, eine gnadenlose Parkkralle in Wrotslav, ein familiäres Frühstück bei Janikas Eltern mit Sabri oder eine Stadtbesichtigung von Wien am Tag nach der Show. Wir könnten hier noch seitenlang weitermachen, aber wir möchten die Gelegenheit nutzen, uns bei allen Beteiligten zu bedanken, die diese Tour ermöglicht haben, allen voran Sabri von Asgaardian Events und Imperial Age, die uns dazu eingeladen haben, Frank Renner, der für unseren Sound gesorgt hat, die Crews der Venues, in denen wir gespielt haben und viele viele weitere …

We’re back home! It was such an amazing time, touring with Imperial Age, Instorm and Cruadalach through Germany and Czech Republic. A huge thank you again to everybody who attended the shows! But there’s more: We’ll join forces with our russian friends again in February, touring once more through a couple of German citys. Hell yeah! 

(Pics by Rainer Kerber)