The release of the album “Mother Universe” is drawing closer and to help bridge the time until 25.11.2022, we have another advance taste for you! Unfortunately without a video, but no less cool, we present you the brightest star on the firmament: Sun – Journey of Icarus.

We are very proud to present today our 3rd Single – together with a Story video, again created by the one and only Rainer Zipp Fränzen. It’s a very special one: Not only has it no bandplay inside, it is also based on the story of the Great-grandparents of Janika. So this is a very personal video for you to enjoy!

After the release of our first Single Mars – The Game is Over, we are very proud to present the second one: Saturn – Human Clockwork. It is more raw and guitar focussed than Mars and we created a special more industrial like soundscape for it. It is released on all Streaming platforms, so check it out for yourself!

We are super excited, that we are finally able to present you the result of a lot of work, blood, sweat and tears! On 12.08.2022 18:00 GMT+2 we will present the video for Mars – The Game is Over on our YouTube Channel. It’s been such a long and strange journey, that it almost feels surreal that this day finally comes. But here it is and we could not be more happy about it. You can presave the song on your favorite platform

What is a real music video without filming the musicians playing? So we rode into Leipzig’s Hellraiser, where we also host our Winds and Woods meet Metal Festival, fogged up the stage properly and illuminated it atmospherically. We had a bit of fun dressing up as well! So we have all the material ready and are now eagerly awaiting the finished edited result.

This time we shot in Leipzig. The video for the song Venus will be a very personal thing for Janika, as the inspiration for the storyline of the video was her grandmother’s life. So the shoot was also very touching for all involved.

We used the first warm days of the year to shoot the first part of our video shoot in Hilchenbach, the home of our video producer Rainer Fränzen, who also produced the video for Voices of the Dead. We were very lucky with the weather, so that the outdoor shots didn’t end in frostbite and we also had a lot of fun doing it. That’s how it should be!

We have now completely recorded and performed everything for our new album Mother Universe – and now it’s time for mixing. We are really looking forward to hearing the result of the work of Joost van den Broek, who has also produced Epica and Blind Guardian, among others. Meanwhile, we are preparing a fitting visual presentation: Time for video recording!

We wish you a healthy New Year 2022! We hope that finally a common cultural life will be possible again and that we can meet at concerts, in bars and in theatres. Now that all the tracks are in the can, we are in the process of fine-tuning our upcoming album “Mother Universe” together with our producer Joost van den Broek, so that it can finally see the light of day this coming summer.
In the meantime, Janika was a guest of Volly Tanner on Sachsenfernsehen at the turn of the year. You can watch the episode here, it is in German.

Despite some absences due to illness (as if we had foreseen it), we rocked through the choir recordings with Andy Schmidt late into the night at the Echolux studio on Monday. On the Sunday before, we had met with everyone in our spacious rehearsal room and polished all the pieces together to everyone’s satisfaction, ready to be recorded. The missing singers threw us a bit off schedule (some parts had to be sung twice by the girls present), but that didn’t stop us from moving aerosols through the studio until after midnight without losing even a tiny bit of energy. And that means: All the recordings planned for the album are done!!!

Sopranos on Mars!