EP, the four winner pieces of “BachSpiele 2012” of the molllust Bach special in opera metal style. Playtime of the EP: 20 minutes.
Release: 17.03.2013.
1. Präludium in d-moll, BWV 554 (Bach/Kabalewsi/Groß)
2. Blute nur, du liebes Herz. Aus: Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 (Bach/Groß)
3. Aus Liebe will mein Heiland sterben. Aus: Matthäus-Passion, BWV 244 (Bach/Groß)
4. Ave, nach: “Ave Maria”, Meditation über das Präludium Nr. 1 in C-Dur, BWV 846 (Bach/Gounod/Groß)
Download-format of the tracks is MP3. If you download the complete EP, you will also get WAV-files of the songs and the cover artwork.